Laboratory of Elementoorganic Compounds
Laboratory of Elementorganic Compounds
Laboratory of Elementoorganic Compounds (LEOC) was founded in the A.E. Favorsky Irkutsk Institute of Chemistry SB RAS (IrICh) in 1970 by Academician M.G. Voronkov. He founded the great well known scientific school, which is famous for extensive researches in the field of elementoorganic chemistry. Academician M.G. Voronkov and his School have gained worldwide recognition due to fundamental research on theoretical fields, synthetic methods, and industrial applications of elementoorganic compounds.
Academician, Scientific Adviser RAS M.G. Voronkov
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the first row from the left to the right — Oborina E.N., Engineer, Ph.D.; Timofeeva E.N., Postgraduate, Trofimova O.M., Leading researcher, Dr.Sc., Associate Professor (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.); Vlasova N.N., Principal researcher, D.Sc., Professor (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.); Sorokin M.S., Engineer, Ph.D.; Tsyhanskaya I.I., Engineer, Ph.D.; Dorofeev I.A., Senior researcher, Ph.D.
the second row from the left to the right — Abzaeva K.A., Senior researcher, Ph.D., Adamovich S.N.; Senior researcher, Ph.D., Mirskov R.G., Leading researcher, Dr.Sc., Professor (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.); Tsyrendorzhiyeva I.P., Scientific associate, Ph.D., Rachlin V.I., Leading researcher, Dr.Sc., Professor (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.); Yarosh N.K., Leading engineer; Yarosh N.O., Scientific associate, Ph.D.; Zhilitskaya L.V., Senior researcher, Ph.D., Basenko S.V., Leading researcher, Dr.Sc. (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.); Grigorieva O.Yu.; Scientific associate, Ph.D., Shagun L.G., Senior researcher, Dr.Sc. (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.); Belousova L.I., Senior researcher, Ph.D.; Vlasov A.V., Scientific associate, Ph.D.
from the left to the right — Soldatenko A.S., Scientific associate, Ph.D.; Timofeev E.N., Postgraduate, Bolgova Yu.I., Senior researcher, Ph.D.
Research advances of the Laboratory are the elaboration of synthesis methods, development of structure theory, investigation of reactivity and availability on practical application of silicon, germanium and iodine organic derivatives.
The main researches are focused in the following areas:
1. Elaboration of synthetic methods of organic hypervalent silicon derivatives and the Group 14 analogs (silatranes, quasisilatranes, hyposilatranes, dragonoids, germatranes, protatranes, O- hydrometallotranes, metalloprotatranes), study of their stereo-electronic structures, reactivity and complexing ability as well as biological activity. Obtaining of new types of biologically active metal-containing compounds of atrane structure, which are of interest as potential prototypes of metalloenzymes and pluripotential biostimulants, adaptogens, selective immunoactive and anti-cancer drugs, stem cell growth activators.
2. Chemistry of silanones R2Si=O and development of new theory of siloxane bond formation based on silanones’ intermediates. This problem is represented in monograph of M.G. Voronkov, S.V. Basenko “Silanones. From ephemers to monomers, oligomers and polymers”, expected to be published in 2014 (Academic publishing “Geo”, Novosibirsk).
3. Functionalized silicon compounds that are precursors of nanotechnological processes in micro- and optoelectronics, improving electrical characteristics of materials, enhancing production of nanoelectronic devices, increasing safety and efficiency of these processes.
4. Carbofunctional monomers and polymers based on them, having also metallochrome properties, for use in filters, membranes, indicators (test-tools) applied for the detection of highly toxic and hazardous compounds in hydro- or lithosphere. These polymers are highly efficient and highly selective sorption materials, highly sensitive analytical reagents to analyze noble metals (gold, platinum, palladium) in poor geological objects, as well as rare earth elements (their cumulative and separate contents) in natural and artificial objects.
5. Application of iodine organic compounds (acyliodides, α- mono- and polyiodoketones) as reagents in fine organic, elementoorganic and macromolecular synthesis. Developing on their basis feasible and effective synthetic methods of organic and elementoorganic compounds, new kinds of salts, ionic liquids, cyclophanes, having prospects to become electrolytes, molecular containers, highly sensitive indicators and sensors.
6. Advancement in chemistry of polymetalloacrylates (polyacrylic acid metal salts), that are effective local haemostatics with a wide spectrum of pharmacological properties as well as potential anticancer agents.
Some examples
TRECREZAN is immunomodulator and adaptogen of a wide spectrum of action.
MIVAL is remedy for hair regeneration and growth, it also activates plant live processes, increases productivity and improves the quality of agricultural commodities.
FERACRYL is highly effective haemostatic (fast haemostasis is from 1,5 to 3 min), which has no analogs in the world medical practice; simultaneously it exhibits a wide spectrum of pharmacological properties: resorption of hematomas and bruises, analgesia, stop bleeding in patients with diseases of the blood coagulation system — Verlgoff disease, hemophilia, and etc., rapid regeneration of connective tissue without scars after thermal and chemical burns and wounds, it exhibits bactericidal and fungicidal properties that prevent the development of wound infection. It is used in aseptic conditions at disasters and armed conflicts, at industrial, residential, sports injuries, and at many abdominal operations on parenchymatous organs. It significantly reduces patients’ rehabilitation period.
INDACETAMIN is immuno- and erythropoiesis stimulator with selective T-lymphotropic action.
1-ETHOXYSILATRANE accelerates the healing of incised wounds and burns, bone fractures, inhibits the development of osteoporosis at hypodynamia, exhibits antiathero-sclerotic action.
ZINCATRAN (Zitrimin) is highly effective antidote with antihypoxic action at poisonings by carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides and ethanol, it operates like zinc-containing metalloenzymes.
ASCAZOLE is high-effective antidote for treating poisoning with nitrogen dioxide.
ARGACRYL is analogue of FERACRYL having almost the same properties, but it is more effective antimicrobial agent than the latter, due to the presence of silver metal particles and ions and in its structure.
PSTM-3, PSTM-3T AND PSTM-3G SORBENTS are intended for wastewaters’ treatment including those with toxic organic and inorganic pollutants; for extraction of noble elements from waste processing solutions. They are analytical reagents for determination of noble metals’ contents in poor geological objects.
ONKOSORB is organosilicon monomer to impregnate filters, particularly, cigarette ones to absorb carcinogenic and toxic organic compounds as well as heavy metals from gas phases.
BATTERY “ZVER” (" The BEAST“) is a powerful and rugged with hybrid technology battery, reinforced by “SiO2-effect”. Its lifetime is half as much time the known batteries; starting current is 23% more, than the ordinary one, it works at temperature interval from −50°C to +80°C.
1. Genesis and evolution of organic germanium, tin and lead compounds // M.G. Voronkov, K.A. Abzaeva, A.Yu Fedorin // Editor B.A. Trofimov. — Novosibirsk: Academic Publishing House “Geo”, 2012. — 214. ISBN: 978-5-904682-92-7.
2. Fundamentals of processes of chemical deposition of film and structures for nanoelectronics, Series “Integration projects SB RAS” // F.A. Kuznetsov , M.G. Voronkov, V.O. Borisov, I.K. Igumenov, V.V. Kaichev, V.G. Kesler, V.V. Kiriyenko, V.N. Kichay , M.L. Kosinova, V.V. Kriventsev, M.S. Lebedev, A.V. Lis, V.I. Rakhlin, I.P. Tsyrendorzhiyeva // Editor T.P. Smirnova. — Novosibirsk: Publishing House of SB RAS, 2012. ISBN: 978-5-7692-1272-7.
1. Vlasova N.N., Oborina E.N., Grigorieva O.Yu., Voronkov M.G. Organosilicon ion-exchange and complexing adsorbents // Rus. Chem. Rev. — 2013. — V. 82, № 5. — P. 449-464.
2. Voronkov M.G., Vlasova N.N., Vlasov A.V. Acyliodides in organic and elementoorganic synthesis // Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Khim — 2013. — № 9. — P.1945-1961.
3. Zhilitskaya L.V., Yarosh N.O., Voronkov M.G. Polyunsaturated organosilicon and organogermanium dendrimers. Synthesis, design and properties. Lambert Academic Publishing (ISBN 978-3-659-40217-3). 2013. — 74 p.
4. Voronkov M.G., Trofimova O.M. Bolgova Yu.I., Chernov N.F. Hypervalent silicon-containing organosilicon derivatives of nitrogen heterocycles // Rus. Chem. Rev. — 2007. — V. 76, № 9. — P. 825-845.
1. Chipanina N.N., Aksamentova T.N., Adamovich S.N., Albanov A.I., Mirskova A.N., Mirskov R.G., Voronkov M.G. The proton transfer and hydrogen bonding complexes of (2-hydroxyethyl)amines with acids. A theoretical study // J. Comput. and Theor. Chemistry. — 2012. — V.985. — P.36-45.
2. Vasiliev A.D., Zel’bst E.A., Soldatenko A.S., Bolgova Yu.I., Trofimova O.M., Voronkov M.G. Synthesis and molecular structure of cobalt(II) complex with 1-(1-silatranylmethyl)-1,2,4-triazole // struct. Chem. — 2013. — V.24. — № 4. — P.1001—1005.
3. Pozhidaev Yu.,Vasilyeva I., Vlasova N., Voronkov M. Determination of noble metals in rocks and ores using adsorbent PSTM-3T // Advanced Science Letters. — 2013. — V.19. — № 2. — P.615—618.
4. Voronkov M.G., Grebneva E.A., Albanov A.I., Trofimova O.M., Aksamentova T.N., Chipanina N.N., Soldatenko A.C., Chernov N.F. The synthesis and structure of bis(pyridine-2-carboxy)difluoro(λ6)- and bis(pyridine-2-carboxy)fluorophenyl(λ5)-siliconium // Arkivoc. — 2011. V.8. — P.163-171.
5. Bolgova Yu.I., Soldatenko A.S., Belyaeva V.V., Trofimova O.M., Voronkov M.G. Complexes of N-(1-silatranylmethyl) derivatives of cyclic imides with CoCl2 // Chem. Heterocycl. Comp. — 2011. — V. 47. — № 11. — P. 1463-1465.
6. Dorofeev I.A., Smirnov V.I., Tokareva I.A., Shagun L.G., Voronkov M.G. New way to poly(2,7-carbazole) // J. Org. Chem. — 2011. — V. 81, № 12. — P.2064-2067.
7. Abzaeva K.A., Voronkov M.G., Zhilitskaya L.V., Ostrovskaya L.A., Fomina M.M., Blyukhterova N.V., Rykov V.A. Antitumor effect of polymetalloacrylates, a new generation of hemostatics // Pharm. Chem. J. — 2012. — V.46, № 4.- P.207-209.