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A.E. Favorsky Irkutsk Institute of Chemistry SB RAS is one of the largest centers of fundamental research in organic and elementoorganic chemistry in Russia. One of the leading Russian scientific schools, which continues the tradition of the great Russian organic chemist A.E. Favorsky, has formed it the Institute.

The principal research areas:

  • The development of methodology of organic and elementoorganic synthesis based on unsaturated hydrocarbons, i.e. products of oil-, gas- and coal processing (acetylene, ethylene, propylene and their oxygen-, nitrogen-, phosphorus- and sulfur derivatives) and large-scale products of hydrodesulfurization motor fuels and waste metallurgical manufactures (hydrogen sulfide, elemental sulfur, sulfur dioxide) to create modern, eco-friendly and energy-efficient small-scale production of unique high-tech substances and materials (including nano-) for the pharmaceutical and defense industries, innovative technologies and agriculture (drugs and their precursors, the components of rocket fuel (propellant) noncombustible and heat-resistant polymers, coatings and fabrics, special-purpose materials, electrolytes and electrodes for electrochemical cells increased capacity and safety).
  • The development of the chemistry of hypervalent silicon and hypovalent (silatranes and silanones): the creation of new bioactive organosilicon compounds for medicine and agriculture.

The development of scientific basic foundations for diverse employments of renewable raw materials (wood, agricultural processing products and marine algae) e.g. for production of new drugs, dietary supplements, agriculture products, nanobiocomposites, such as, for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis, antineoplastic nanosubstances, antiseptic, antiviral intracellular drugs, for magnetocontrolled diagnostics and pharmaceuticals, as well as nanomaterials for coherent, nonlinear optics and plasmonics and optically active nanocatalysts



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